Starting your search for Audio Engineering Schools near you? Don’t Limit Yourself!
Finding the Best Audio Engineering Schools
A career in audio engineering can offer solid pay and exciting work, but landing a job in the industry isn’t as easy as walking into a recording studio. To find a way “in,” you know that you need to go to school first, so start investigating your options. As you do so, though, it’s important that you’re not limiting yourself. Simply searching for “audio engineering schools near me” or “music production schools near me” may not be yielding the best results. Here’s why:
While seeking out prospective schools, many students start the search in their local area. It makes sense because you know what’s around you and may be able to stay at home while you’re studying. However, searching in your local area does more than just give you a convenient snapshot of what’s available in your state… It also limits your options. That’s why it’s so important to expand your search and look outside the local area if you’re considering music production schools. In your search, ask yourself this: “Are your dreams in Pro Audio bigger than where you currently are?” If you find yourself answering with a resounding “YES,” then it’s time to follow your dream, wherever it takes you!
Why Search on a National Level?
No two audio engineering programs are exactly the same. Schools differ in terms of course lengths, tuition costs, curriculum and career services. While you consider a “local” education, consider these things: Who are you learning from? Are you instructors “IN” the field of Pro Audio, or did they “used to make records”? What is the educational facility’s pedigree? How well respected is the educational facility? Has this place of higher learning placed graduates into the field, and guided them through their careers? Is the facility nationally accredited? What accolades does the facility carry?
Although staying “local” might help you ease into an advanced education, if you find that the courses you chose at the local level are less than satisfactory, you will also have to rationalize that you’ve wasted precious time, and have to wrap your head around how much further you could be, had you chosen a more prudent path. As well, remember that SUCCESS in NOT based on CONVENIENCE.
That’s why it makes sense to search for audio engineering programs on a national level. You’ll get a much better idea of what’s out there, and you’ll be able to identify program features that you really like. Expanding your search field is a great way to expand your financial aid options, too. After all, most schools have different scholarship and aid programs. Of course, expanding your search means preparing yourself for great internship opportunities as well. Look for schools in areas where there are music, entertainment or audio production companies for which you’d like to work.
Why CRAS is Worth Considering?
At the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences (CRAS) in Tempe, students enjoy a cutting-edge education in audio engineering and production. We’re proud to be one of the top schools in the entire nation. Our students work with incredible faculty and learn the latest techniques in our field. When they graduate, they’re uniquely poised to snag the hottest opportunities in the music and entertainment industry from L.A. to Nashville to New York City.
In addition to working with the best faculty and learning cutting-edge techniques, students at CRAS also benefit from a dedicated education track. That means that you don’t have to complete unrelated electives to earn a degree to work in the audio engineering field. You’ll complete just the classes you need, and it will take less than a year. That’s a lot different than going to an audio engineering program at your local junior college or university, where you’ll be expected to take a lot of off-topic classes before you can graduate, and only get to study Pro Audio for an hour at a time, a few times a week. CRAS saves time, money and enhances your career prospects.